Friday, 25 July 2014

The Great British Bread Debate

Great British Bread Debate

This infographic attempts to distingquish the different names for the British classic, an issue that often boils the blood of those discussing which they feel is correct. Designed by the talented duo @lizzieastles and @jensties.

Having shown the infographic to a few people, it's clear that the list isn't quite definitive as some of the names were disputed based on their given locations. But it is such a complex and heated topic to hammer down that this does do well to lay the base of discussion.

The bread king himself, Paul Hollywood, recently picked up on the infographic and made his play as a "Barmcake" or "Floury Bap" man. But as someone also from the North-West, I can certainly agree with those who claim that "Barm" is indeed the correct term.

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